Getting started with content creation can be exciting. . .

. . until the reality sets in. Then. it’s a bit overwhelming. That’s why I’ve decided to create a resource for new UGC creators to learn from my experiences.

Our Core Values

Samantha Carlo is a 30-year-old, stay-at-home dog mom who decided to give up a chunk of her income for a remote job. However, she quickly realized that not all time spent is quality time. She was home more often, but still working for someone else. The decision to start a blog was prompted by her need for freedom.

Among the many challenges she faced when starting out, Samantha found it particularly frustrating to constantly look for answers only to discover an underlying financial motive. We know most blogs aim to make money, but so many articles offer insufficient value to guide readers into a sales funnel. We aim to be honest about what we sell and how we sell it, so you don’t click on a headline and end up with an empty wallet and no solutions to your problem.

Everyone and their mother is creating content online these days. Bloggers are pressured to produce high quality content in massive amounts, and quickly. As a result, they turn to AI like ChatGPT to write cheap articles with little depth and no personal point of view. We recognize the importance of being efficient and utilize tools, when necessary, but we will never compromise the quality of our content by creating it with AI. Editing, formatting and optimizing, maybe, but not the writing or ideas.

“A dog is one of the few things in life that is as it seems.”

Dog Mom Merch

Wear your heart on your sleeve- literally! Shop mugs, candles for every breed, calendars, and so much more!

Make Money Online

Reach out via our contact form and we’ll send you everything you need to get started making money online.

Guaranteed Transparency

We sell educational courses, but that’s it. We will not ask you to pay for access to our articles, guides, or other resources.


Change your Path

So, you love your dog and want them to live an incredible life, right? However, you recognize that they are not actually gaining any value from watching you work, correct? Although working remotely means you get to spend more time with your dog, time spent is not always quality time spent. In response to this, TFN aims to reframe your perspective of working from home.


Downloadable PDF plans for enrichment activities, agilities courses, and much more to strengthen your bond with your pets.


A comprehensive curriculum to learn how to monetize a blog is currenly in the wotks.


User-generated content, freelancing, affiliate marketing you name it! Explore all the ways to make money online.

Is this for dog-parents only?

The Floof Network was created by a dog mom who hopes to help other dog moms learn to make money online and stay at home with their pups. However, anyone can learn high-income skills, canine or not!

How much are blog subscriptions?

They are completely and totally FREE. No strings attached, no BS (bull-floof). We are just starting our blogging journey and are really, truly not selling you anything.

How do you make money?

TFN is very much in its infancy. We plan to use affiliate marketing and ads, as well as online courses later on, to generate revenue. However, we are committed to transparency and authenticity, above all.

What is a “floof?”

Milo, the golden retriever who inspired The Floof Network, tends to leave lots and lots of hair around the house. We jokingly call them floofs, but the word is intended to be an alternative to “fluff.” Basically, we want to be a resource that offers real value, not BS.

Can I contact The Floof Network?

Absolutely. We’d love to hear from you! You can reach out via the contact form in our “Contact” page, or just click here


Can I get an invoice for my purchase?

Yes, you can. Please contact our customer support and provide your purchase number.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Let’s talk.

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